With the wedding only a few days away, we have some quick updates for everyone:
There is no cell service in Little or Big Basin. There's a payphone, but you'll want to be sure you have your maps, our schedule, and other info downloaded ahead of time.
Little Basin map is below. Our group is in Cabins MV2, 3, 4, & 7, and campsites 39-43. Our meals and reception will be at the dining pavilion ("picnic area"), and we will use the rec center for fireside time, games, and indoor socializing.
We'll have a welcome person at Little Basin with an info packet for you. They'll be in the rec hall most of the time (Fri 3-5:30 & 7-9; Sat 9-11), or at the kitchen pavilion during meals.
Cousin Heidi is the volunteer coordinator and general wrangler. Ask her first about logistics questions, how to help, etc. She will be wearing a bright yellow vest so you can find her!
On-site lodging: We'll let you know your site number; we've also emailed out a tentative arrangement. Let us know if something needs changing.
Remember! On-site accommodations are BYOB -- Bring Your Own Bedding (including for cabins). If you need a sleeping bag or blankets, please let us know and we may be able to help; if you can bring your own, please do - our bedding supply is finite!
Blessing fabrics: We're going to ask people to write blessings, words of encouragement/advice, etc. on pieces of fabric, which we'll collect as part of the ceremony. If you have some fabric scraps at home that you like or that have meaning to you, please bring them along. If you have extras, you can bring some to share as well. We're looking for pieces maybe about 4-8" long on a side; any color or fabric is fine.
Reminder: Sharing and blessings: Instead of reception toasts, we'd find it meaningful during Saturday's dinner to have friends and family share well wishes and fond memories. Music, poetry, or art of any sort is welcome too to express the day's sentiments. We'd love whatever you feel moved to share.
The wedding ceremony itself will be at campsite 41, assuming we've estimated space and seating right. We'll let you know if there's a change; rain backup location is the dining pavilion.
Parking is on the parking terraces near the entrance across from the main office. After parking, you can walk to the rec hall or dining area to say hi. Those staying onsite can also park at your specific site up to two cars (extras on the parking terrace).
We can always use extra hands to make the weekend a success. Check your email for a link to a volunteer spreadsheet if you'd like to help out!
It’s time!
She liked his dragon clouds, the dolphin bubbles he sent when she was blue, and how unconventionally fun it was to smash up spaceships together. He liked her backrubs, her clown bicycle, and how she made the first move. They both thought the other one gave pretty darn good hugs.
Now, two years later, here we are planning to get hitched, and we hope you’ll be there for our big day – or really, our big weekend! Mark your calendars for May 18, 2019 in Little Basin State Park (May 17-20 if you can stay).
BE Together is what our celebration is all about. We’ve planned a weekend getaway in the California coastal redwoods where we all can savor the company of friends and family (in some spectacular scenery!). Little Basin is where we’ll have our ceremony, reception, and other fun and games. The park also has on-site camping and cabin facilities, which we’ll cover if you’re interested (if not, there are other lodging options nearby). We’re excited because this means we can see more of you throughout the weekend while doing what we love: enjoying nature with the people we love!
Since we’re preparing to host you for a whole weekend (or however much you can make), we’d appreciate you keeping us abreast of your plans. If something changes, just drop us a quick email to keep us in the loop!